Kenya – Medics’ attitude and stigma still a barrier to safe abortion

Medics’ attitude and stigma still a barrier to safe abortion
Law permits abortion in cases where mother's health is at risk

by Daniel Otieno
Star Blogs
07 November 2019

The Constitution of Kenya permits abortion if in the opinion of a trained health care provider, the life of the woman is in danger or if a written law permits it. A written law here being any legislation passed by Parliament that permits termination of a pregnancy.

However, despite the Constitution being in place, many women still undergo unsafe abortion including going for backstreet methods and untrained midwives. The attitudes of health workers that are backed by religious values, the stigma associated with an unintended pregnancy, limited conversations between parents and adolescents, a lack of life skills education in schools and limited allocations to improving maternal health contribute to cases of unsafe abortion.
