Policy Trends in the States: 2016

Elizabeth Nash,Guttmacher Institute
Rachel Benson Gold,Guttmacher Institute
Zohra Ansari-Thomas,Guttmacher Institute
Olivia Cappello,Guttmacher Institute
Lizamarie Mohammed,Guttmacher Institute
First published online: January 3, 2017

In 2016, 18 states enacted 50 new abortion restrictions, bringing the number of new abortion restrictions enacted since 2010 to 338. Although state-level assaults on abortion access continued, 16 states took important steps in 2016 to expand access to other sexual and reproductive health services, adopting a total of 28 proactive measures. Many of these measures expand access to contraception by requiring health plans to cover an extended supply of contraceptive methods (five states), authorizing pharmacists to dispense contraceptives without a physician’s prescription (one state) or expanding insurance coverage of contraception (three states).

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Source: Guttmacher Institute