Kiwi women are getting abortions earlier in their pregnancies, study finds

Kiwi women are getting abortions earlier in their pregnancies, study finds

Brittney Deguara
Apr 10 2019

New Zealand women who undergo an abortion are having the procedure earlier in their pregnancies, according to a new study.

The proportion of terminations that happen in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy has risen by 20 per cent in the last 10 years according to the study, published in BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health.


Use evidence to inform Isle of Man draft abortion bill debate, urge researchers

Use evidence to inform Isle of Man draft abortion bill debate, urge researchers

Public Release: 22-Jan-2018

  • Isle of Man has one of the most restrictive abortion laws of any European jurisdiction
  • Parliamentary debates to widen eligibility criteria for new law are on January 23 and 30
  • Evidence backs comprehensive, accessible services for Manx women of all ages

The most up to date evidence shows that women in the Isle of Man need full spectrum, accessible abortion services, free of any age or timing restrictions, conclude researchers in an editorial, published online in BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Their conclusions come as the Isle of Man parliament-The Tynwald-holds the first debate on new draft abortion legislation this week (Tuesday 23 January) to allow Manx women to have greater access to abortion services through the island's healthcare system.
