Abortion-seekers find support in New Mexico interfaith group

Abortion-seekers find support in New Mexico interfaith group

By Sarah Halasz Graham
Nov 3, 2018

She arrived under cover of darkness, alone, a stranger in an unfamiliar city.

In July 2014, El Paso resident Kasey Sanchez was 27 years old — and 27 weeks pregnant. In the seven weeks since she’d learned she was expecting, Sanchez had told no one, except a few muted voices on the phone — voices of people who promised to help.

Continued: http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/abortion-seekers-find-support-in-new-mexico-interfaith-group/article_7788ef9e-6806-5c27-944e-142fee7d75cb.html

USA – What You Need to Know About Abortion Doulas and Their Vital Work

What You Need to Know About Abortion Doulas and Their Vital Work

Sezin Koehler
Aug 6, 2018

While most people have heard of birth doulas and generally understand their support role during pregnancy, labor, and after, very few have heard of abortion doulas and know even less about what they do to support people terminating pregnancies.

Gina Martinez Valentín first heard about abortion doulas from Hip Mama magazine 20 years ago: “There was an article about a young single queer mom who was showing up and helping her friends when they were having an abortion, to offer support. For unrelated reasons the mom ended up dying, and that’s when I knew I was going to do this.”

Continued: https://wearyourvoicemag.com/health/abortion-doulas