Jamaica – Letter of the Day | Break down barriers to abortion

Letter of the Day | Break down barriers to abortion

Published:Saturday | November 3, 2018


Jamaica, like many developing countries across the world, is in need of laws that create space for safe-abortion care. Many persons in Jamaica, particularly men, seem to have this notion that women shouldn't have the right to access abortion care because it is their duty to carry children no matter how having that child may affect their life.

Professor Wendel Abel, head of The University of the West Indies' (UWI) Department of Community Health and Psychiatry, stated on Tuesday, October 10, 2018, at a Jamaica Observer Monday Exchange: "Unsafe abortion accounts for the third leading cause of maternal death. And why this is important is that maternal deaths and under-five deaths are sensitive measures of the quality of our healthcare."

Continued: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/letters/20181103/letter-day-break-down-barriers-abortion

Safe abortions for all women who need them – not just the rich, say UN experts

International Safe Abortion Day – Thursday 28 September 2017

Safe abortions for all women who need them - not just the rich, say UN experts

GENEVA (27 September 2017) – Speaking ahead of International Safe Abortion Day, a group of United Nations human rights experts* has called on States across the world to repeal laws that criminalize and unduly restrict abortion and policies based on outdated stereotypes, to release all women in prison on abortion charges and to counter all stigma against abortion. The experts also called for 28 September to become an official UN day for safe abortion worldwide, to help encourage Governments to decriminalize abortion and provide reproductive health services in a legal, safe and affordable manner. Their full statement is as follows:

Continued at source: United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=22167&LangID=E