Repeat abortion: narrowing the contraception gap

Insight Plus, Issue 13 / 11 April 2022
Cate Swannell

AROUND 2000 repeat medical abortions per year could be averted if women were routinely prescribed long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) immediately following early medical abortion.

That’s the message from Australian researchers, published in the MJA, who found that just one in four women were provided with hormonal contraception within 60 days of their early medical abortion.


USA – The Good Surprises of My Two Abortions: The Story Behind 2+ Abortions @AboboBravado

The Good Surprises of My Two Abortions: The Story Behind 2+ Abortions @AboboBravado

January 19, 2019

This is a picture of me in the moment I realized my friend Martha had orchestrated a surprise birthday party when I turned 36. The feeling of electric delight from the shock was uncontainable. I still marvel that everyone involved had been able to keep the party a secret.

But here’s the thing. I had my own secret, and it wasn’t delightful. Soon enough, my constant companion named Shame would lean in and whisper into my ear: “You had two abortions. If they knew, they wouldn’t have come to the party. They wouldn’t even want to be near you.”


USA – Three Children, Two Abortions

Three Children, Two Abortions
What a woman chooses to do with her body should not be up for debate in 2018.

Deborah Copaken
Jul 31, 2018

At this point in my 52 years, filling out the forms at the doctor’s office feels like writing a memoir. Any past surgeries? Why, yes. So many! Here we go, in alphabetical order, to the tune of “Twelve Days of Christmas”: one adenoidectomy, one appendectomy, two D-and-C’s, one frenectomy, one hysterectomy, one inguinal-hernia repair, one meniscectomy, one Morton’s-neuroma repair, one trachelectomy, one vaginal-cuff-dehiscence repair … and a partridge in a pear tree. That’s 11 surgeries, eight of which were related either to my children’s births or to disease of my postpartum reproductive organs. We’ll get back to that.

Then comes the inevitable question: Number of pregnancies? Followed by: Number of live births?

UK: Attitudes to women who have more than one abortion need to change

Attitudes to women who have more than one abortion need to change

October 16, 2017
Carrie Purcell

One in three women in the UK will have an abortion in her lifetime. But despite being a common medical procedure, abortion – which was partially legalised 50 years ago this month – continues to be stigmatised in the media and elsewhere in many different ways, meaning it is rarely talked about.

One abortion may be viewed as a reasonable “get out of jail free” card; having more than one abortion is often presented as beyond the pale. A woman might be able to decide she cannot continue with a pregnancy once, but to do so more than once speaks of her irresponsibility, fecklessness and failure to use contraception.

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