USA – Abortions by mail: the FDA is going after online pill providers

Abortions by mail: the FDA is going after online pill providers
The agency sent warning letters to two web retailers selling the medical abortion pills misoprostol and mifepristone.

By Julia Belluz
Mar 12, 2019

The US Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on organizations that sell medical abortion pills over the internet.

In a warning letter released Tuesday, the agency requested that the online abortion pill provider immediately stop selling unapproved versions of the abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol and respond to FDA concerns within 15 working days outlining how it will correct its regulatory violations.


Australia – My workplace was supportive after a traumatic abortion. This should be normal

My workplace was supportive after a traumatic abortion. This should be normal
Women are often expected to carry on without recognition for the time it takes to heal - physically and emotionally

Hannah Bambra
Thu 25 Oct 2018

My personal decision to abort was not a straightforward one – I had to consider a whole range of complicated factors. I am decidedly pro-choice, but that stance didn’t make the process itself easier. My abortion was traumatic. A large part of me felt attached to that potential child and I was consumed by grief and crippling depression for months following. There is little to no non-religious space to discuss feeling a sense of loss post-surgery.

A very supportive male colleague of mine approached our CEO to ask if he could pass on some of his sick leave. He knew I was still bleeding and almost out of time for recovery. Not only is this incredibly touching, it illustrates an issue that rarely comes up in this discussion.
