Buenos Aires – City lawmakers vote to adopt ILE abortion protocol

After two hours of debate and with 50 votes in favour, the Buenos Aires Legislature grants approval to law guaranteeing national protocol for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

July 17, 2020

After an almost two-hour long debate, during which some lawmakers spoke in person and others remotely, the Buenos Aires City Legislature voted Thursday to adopt the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy (ILE) medical protocol in the nation's capital.

The ILE protocol lays out the steps for terminating a pregnancy in circumstances authorised under Argentina's penal code, which includes pregnancies that are a result of rape or if the foetus endangers the life or health of the woman.

Continued: https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/legal-abortion-caba-approved-adherence-to-ile-protocol.phtml

Argentina’s Rejection Of Abortion Bill Claims First Victim

Argentina's Rejection Of Abortion Bill Claims First Victim
The woman – identified only as Elizabeth – went to hospital suffering from septic shock and a generalized infection after a botched abortion, and later died.

Published 14 August 2018

A 24-year-old Argentine woman has died following an illegal abortion less than a week after the Senate voted to reject the Pregnancy Voluntary Interruption (IVE) bill, which would have legalized abortion up to 14 weeks and helped prevent such tragedies.

On Sunday, the woman – identified only as Elizabeth – went to Belgrano Hospital in San Martin suffering from septic shock and a generalized infection after a botched abortion procedure.

Continued: https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Rejection-Abortion-Bill-Argentina-Takes-First-Victim-20180814-0027.html

ARGENTINA – Macri gives a green light to open the debate on abortion law reform

ARGENTINA – Macri gives a green light to open the debate on abortion law reform

by International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion
Feb 23, 2018

In 2016, 46 women died from unsafe, illegal abortions in Argentina. All of them could have been avoided. Mauricio Macri, President of Argentina, is against abortion, but all around him there is a very strong movement and a new generation that are pushing for Argentina to become a leader in the region on abortion law reform, as they were with gay marriage. The abortion rights movement in Argentina seeks to go well beyond Chile and calls for a law that allows abortion on request in the first 14 weeks.

In the Congress, where resistance to change and the pressures of the Catholic church still have weight, the pressure is growing every day. Last weekend it exploded in a cheerful and organised manner in front of the Congress building and on social media with the slogan #AbortoLegalYa (Legal abortion already!) that gained the support of many famous politicians and journalists, a senior judge, a TV star and some important members of the Government.

Continued: http://www.safeabortionwomensright.org/argentina-macri-gives-a-green-light-to-open-the-debate-on-abortion-law-reform/