‘Young and terrified’: the Queensland women forced to go interstate for abortions

'Young and terrified': the Queensland women forced to go interstate for abortions
Exclusive: An 1899 criminal code has required many women who need the procedure to travel interstate

Ben Smee
Sat 14 Jul 2018

More than 60 women from far north Queensland have been forced to go interstate to have abortions, often to Sydney, in the first six months of 2018.

Other women from regional parts of Queensland, where abortion remains a criminal offence under the 1899 criminal code, have taken round trips of up to 2,600km to undergo procedures, health professionals and support workers have told Guardian Australia.

Continued: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/14/young-and-terrified-the-queensland-women-forced-to-go-interstate-for-abortions

Australia: We Spent The Day With Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counsellors In A State Where Abortion Is Still A Crime

We Spent The Day With Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counsellors In A State Where Abortion Is Still A Crime

“These are women who are fleeing domestic violence, these are women who are suicidal.”
posted on Mar. 17, 2017, at 5:56 p.m.

Gina Rushton/BuzzFeed News

“She was with the guy for a month, but noticed the red flags for domestic violence… he was throwing things and getting controlling so she ended the relationship, which is really good.”

It is 9am and the phones are ringing at Queensland’s only standalone pro-choice counselling service for pregnant women, Children by Choice.

Continued at source: Buzzfeed: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ginarushton/we-spent-the-day-with-pro-choice-pregnancy-counsellors?utm_term=.lo0gXwaynb#.nuLX8zrV5G