Will the Tuam Babies Scandal Ignite an Investigation into Church-State Relations in Ireland?

Will the Tuam Babies Scandal Ignite an Investigation into Church-State Relations in Ireland?
by Julia Canney • 17 March 2017

In 2012 amateur historian Catherine Corless began investigating the abandoned Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, Ireland. Disconcerted by the lack of media attention given to her finding that 796 babies had died there in the span of thirty-six years, Corless began the painstaking journey to discover the truth of what happened under the eyes of the Bon Secours nuns. Her work led to the creation of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes, which has come under increased scrutiny in the past weeks with the discovery of what’s been reported as “significant quantities of human remains” buried in septic tanks on the grounds of the home for unwed mothers and their children operated by Catholic nuns from 1922 to 1961. Despite the fact that the Irish government has held the outrageously high death registers of the home since 2011, the excavation process was only begun by the Commission of Investigation in November of last year, leaving many stakeholders wondering: Why this inhumane delay in justice?

Continued at source: The Humanist: https://thehumanist.com/commentary/will-tuam-babies-scandal-ignite-investigation-church-state-relations-ireland

Inside The Battle For Abortion Rights Spilling Out On To Ireland’s Streets

Inside The Battle For Abortion Rights Spilling Out On To Ireland’s Streets

As a referendum seems tantalisingly close, BuzzFeed News went on the road with Ireland’s growing pro-abortion rights movement.

Laura Silver
BuzzFeed News Reporter
posted on Mar. 11, 2017

“Hands up who’s ever had sex?” Sean Shinners, a man in his sixties from Limerick, shouted across the road to a row of anti-abortion rights protesters.

The group of around twenty protesters – men and women in their sixties and seventies, some wearing cheerfully coloured woolly hats and tasteful floral scarves – stood silently behind banners depicting graphic photographs of aborted foetuses. Looking stony-faced and sombre outside Limerick’s branch of the Bank of Ireland on Tuesday, they refused to engage with the heckler.

“Do you think any of them have even had sex before, let alone impregnated anyone or been pregnant?” Shinners went on, addressing a growing group of passersby who had gathered to see what all the fuss was about.

Continued at source: Buzzfeed: https://www.buzzfeed.com/laurasilver/inside-the-battle-for-abortion-rights-spilling-out-on-to-ire?utm_term=.pqv0n1NyKM#.kpOZgor8YP