Ireland – Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators attend Rally for Life

Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators attend Rally for Life
Campaigners march through Dublin with banners stating ‘abortion steals hope’

Sat, Jul 6, 2019
Sarah Burns

Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators turned out in Dublin on Saturday afternoon for the annual Rally for Life.

Campaigners marched from Parnell Square to the Custom House with banners stating “abortion steals hope” and “the future is pro life” and chanting “hey hey ho ho Simon Harris has to go”.


How the Yes and No sides won and lost the abortion referendum

How the Yes and No sides won and lost the abortion referendum

Harry McGee: Smiling Savita portraits proclaiming a new reality for Ireland
May 26, 2018

Harry McGee Political Correspondent

In the last few days of the referendum campaign on the Eight Amendment dozens of small posters appeared around Dublin.

The image was of Savita Halappanavar, instantly recognisable from her thick dark hair, wide smile, smiling eyes, and the Bindi dot on the forehead. The message contained one word: Yes. They were striking in their simplicity and directness.

The Savita case (read Kitty Holland’s report from 2012 here) was never too far away from people’s minds during the eight weeks that this extraordinary referendum campaign seeped into Irish public consciousness on doorsteps, in the streets, in the media, or on the airwaves… right up to polling day.


Ireland’s Abortion Fight Has A Ton Of Americans Getting Involved (On Both Sides)

Ireland’s Abortion Fight Has A Ton Of Americans Getting Involved (On Both Sides)
ByMadhuri Sathish
March 28, 2018

In May, Ireland will vote on a referendum to determine whether or not to legalize abortion. The country currently has a near-total ban on abortion, with the only exception being when a pregnant person's life is at risk, but the referendum could repeal this ban if enough people vote in favor of it. But as the vote approaches, anti-abortion protesters have taken to the streets in Dublin — and not all of them are Irish. In fact, there are some Americans protesting abortion in Ireland, sparking concerns of foreign influence on the upcoming referendum.


Ireland: Anti-abortion clinic tells women sex and abortion could kill them

Anti-abortion clinic tells women sex and abortion could kill them
James Wilson
April 05, 2017

Unauthorized pregnancy crisis centers in Dublin are misleading expectant women about the risks of sex, abortion and contraception.

An undercover investigation for The Times found that the Ask Majella and Gianna Care advisory services telling women that contraception was a health risk, there was a link between abortion and breast cancer and sometimes sex even lead women to “die”.

Continued at source: Irish Central: