Inside Australia’s only clinic providing late surgical abortions

Inside Australia's only clinic providing late surgical abortions

By Hagar Cohen and David Lewis
Sep 7, 2018

The journey to the Marie Stopes clinic in Melbourne's east is a harrowing one for the 200 or so women who go there each year for a procedure denied to them elsewhere.

By the time they reach the building, sitting behind a car park on an unassuming suburban street, they have likely been turned away by multiple doctors and hospitals.

And until the Victorian state government banned the practice in 2015, there was a very real risk of encountering anti-abortion protesters at the entrance.


Australia: We Spent The Day With Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counsellors In A State Where Abortion Is Still A Crime

We Spent The Day With Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counsellors In A State Where Abortion Is Still A Crime

“These are women who are fleeing domestic violence, these are women who are suicidal.”
posted on Mar. 17, 2017, at 5:56 p.m.

Gina Rushton/BuzzFeed News

“She was with the guy for a month, but noticed the red flags for domestic violence… he was throwing things and getting controlling so she ended the relationship, which is really good.”

It is 9am and the phones are ringing at Queensland’s only standalone pro-choice counselling service for pregnant women, Children by Choice.

Continued at source: Buzzfeed: