Abortion Refugees Across America

Republican state legislatures are creating abortion refugees across America, many writing legislation that ends all abortions in their states,

APR 18, 2022

Republican state legislatures are creating abortion refugees across America. After Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a draconian bill, SB 8, into law last year, empowering bounty hunters to sue abortion providers, those seeking care fled to the neighboring states of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.

But GOP leaders were ready for them. Oklahoma’s Republican Governor Kevin Stitt on April 12 signed the nation’s strictest abortion ban into law, ending all abortions in his state except in cases of danger to the pregnant person’s life. Now, reports are emerging of Oklahomans turning to the neighboring state of Kansas for abortions.

Continued: https://www.laprogressive.com/progressive-issues/abortion-refugees-across-america

USA – A 15-Week Abortion Ban Is a Coward’s Compromise

Letting Mississippi's 15-week ban take effect—and undoing decades of precedent that permits the constitutional right to an abortion—is not a compromise.

Nov 4, 2021
Imani Gandy, Rewire News

Abortion is a hot topic right now, which means people are weighing in who haven’t given much thought to the reality of the abortion rights landscape in the United States.

And it shows. So when I make the following request, please take it seriously:

Continued: https://rewirenewsgroup.com/ablc/2021/11/04/a-15-week-abortion-ban-is-a-cowards-compromise/

Conservatives are hell-bent on reasserting control over women’s bodies—and a fresh hell starts today with what women in the Lone Star State are waking up to.

Molly Jong-Fast, Contributing Editor
Updated Sep. 01, 2021

The Supreme Court declined to act and let Texas’ insane new abortion law stand, for now, in what looks to be the day Roe v. Wade began to die.

As of today, SB8, which Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law, bans abortions at six weeks, with no exception for rape or incest, while targeting anyone who “aids or abets” another person’s abortion. The idea is to make anyone who helps a woman get an abortion a legal target, even her Uber driver, with any citizen able to collect a bounty on abortion providers.

Continued: https://www.thedailybeast.com/this-law-begins-the-end-of-abortion-as-weve-known-it

USA – When Will These Attacks on Abortion Rights End? You Won’t Like the Answer.

When Will These Attacks on Abortion Rights End? You Won’t Like the Answer.
Legal precedent means very little to judges and justices personally opposed to abortion rights, as we've seen during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Apr 22, 2020
Jessica Mason Pieklo

It seems each day brings new developments on abortion rights in the time of COVID-19. It’s maddening and has left me with one lingering question: Will this shit ever end?

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit once again put a halt on nearly all abortions in Texas, issuing a ruling Monday allowing the state to enforce Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) COVID-19 ban.

Continued: https://rewire.news/article/2020/04/22/when-will-these-attacks-on-abortion-rights-end-you-wont-like-the-answer/

USA – “Stay Home and Have the Baby”

“Stay Home and Have the Baby”
Texas and Ohio have ordered a stop to abortions, saying they’re not essential medical services. Other states will follow. Right-wing forces are using the pandemic as a pretext to crack down dramatically on abortion rights. We can’t let them.

By Jenny Brown

Texas and Ohio have ordered a stop to abortions, saying they’re not essential medical services, while state officials in Mississippi and Maryland are edging that direction. Their coronavirus prevention program is “Stay home and have the baby.”

The states argued that equipment such as masks used for surgical abortions could be used for care of COVID-19 patients. And they claim if anything goes wrong emergency services would be needed, exaggerating the risk of a safe procedure.

Continued: https://jacobinmag.com/2020/03/coronavirus-abortions-health-care

USA – States That Ban Abortion Should Pay the People Forced to Give Birth

States That Ban Abortion Should Pay the People Forced to Give Birth
A new South Carolina bill says the state needs to cover medical expenses for pregnant people and babies born as a result of abortion bans.

by Susan Rinkunas
Dec 16 2019

Last week, a South Carolina state senator filed an incredible bill that every pro-choice lawmaker in the U.S. should copy. It says that if the state wants to ban abortion, it should have to pay all of the costs of birthing and raising children born as a result. SB 928 says that anyone forced to give birth against their will would be acting as a gestational surrogate for the state—literal labor for which they should be compensated.

The genius legislation is called the Pro Birth Accountability Act—a not-so-subtle reference to the idea that anti-abortion lawmakers who consider themselves to be “pro-life” tend to be conservatives who also typically don’t support programs like Medicaid expansion, food assistance, and paid family leave, which would help people have healthy pregnancies and babies. In short, the bill asserts, they’re not pro-life, they’re pro-birth.

Continued: https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/k7ee4n/south-carolina-should-pay-pregnant-women-if-it-bans-abortion-sb-928-pro-birth-accountability-act