Croatia’s MP candidates oppose the right to abortion even for rape victims

July 06th, 2020
by: Katarina Panić

The right to abortion become one of the top issues during the campaign that precedes the parliamentary election in Croatia, scheduled for July 5. Abortion is legal up to the tenth week in the youngest EU member state. Yet, it is less available because of the cost, the social stigma and medical staff's right to refuse to provide them over the reasons of conscience.

Croatia's Constitutional Court ruled three years ago that abortion cannot be prohibited by law. Now, some rightists offer a solution for that as well – to abolish the Constitutional Court if it guarantees the right to abortion, including even raped women.


Croatian women show the middle finger to abortion remarks

Croatian women show the middle finger to abortion remarks

By News from Elsewhere... found by BBC Monitoring
24 June 2020

Croatian politicians were left in no doubt about the strength of feeling on the subject of abortion in the country, after remarks in pre-election debates prompted a backlash visualised by perhaps the most defiant gestures of all - the middle finger.

Miroslav Skoro of the Homeland Movement and Goran Jandrokovic of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union, both right-of-centre political forces, agreed on the issue in a TV programme ahead of the parliamentary election in July.


Croatia ex-president gives middle finger to anti-abortion politicians

Croatia ex-president gives middle finger to anti-abortion politicians

June 20, 2020

ZAGREB: Croatia´s female ex-president on Friday became the latest woman to give the middle finger to several conservative politicians for their anti-abortion statements during campaigning for next month´s parliamentary election.

Many Croatian actresses, journalists and other female public figures have taken part in the campaign which has seen women posting pictures on social media of themselves symbolically raising their middle fingers.
